Learning English is fun!

Learning English is fun!

martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

"Pancake Day"

Today it is Pancake Day!!!. It is also known as "Shrove Tuesday" in Britain. Pancake day is the day before "Ash Wednesday" ("Miércoles de ceniza") and the start of "Lent" ("Cuaresma"). Shrove Tuesday always falls 47 days before Easter Sunday, so the date varies from year to year and falls between 3rd February and 9th March. 'Shrove' (as in Shrove Tuesday) stems from old English word 'shrive', meaning "confess all sins". It is called Pancake Day because it is the day traditionally for eating pancakes as pancake recipes were a way to use up any stocks of milk, butter and eggs which were forbidden during the abstinence of Lent. 
A pancake is a thin, flat cake, made of butter and fried in a pan.Caster sugar (superfine sugar) is sprinkled over the top and a dash of fresh lemon juice added. The pancake is then rolled. Some people add golden syrup or jam.

Also, people (adults and children) take part in pancake races in villages and towns in the United Kingdom. Here you can see some of these races!. 

Zach and Reggie have a pancake party too!. 

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